Precision Valves & Instruments...

USM GT400 Ultrasonic Gas Meter

The GT400 series is the high-end result of continuous product development of ultrasonic meter technology. Already with the market launch of the first RMG ultrasonic meter in 1999, the principle of 6-path measurement was applied for custody transfer metering. In the current 4th generation, the optimum measuring instrument is available for the precise measurement of large flows at high pressures in pipelines and gas transfer stations.

Due to the pressure-resistant design of the sensor technology, a particularly high sound power level is available, which makes the meter insensitive to interference even under critical installation conditions.

Virtual Meter Path Technology ™ (VMPT) is available with all GT400 gas ultrasonic meters. VMPT provides a virtual method of check measurement without adding additional meter components. Additional information about our Virtual Meter Path Technology ™ is available in Tech Note 9 found under our publications page.

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